Wednesday, 7 January 2009

White Space is class act

Sean Brown and students

The start of this year sees a welcome return by our students. White Space is busy with preparation BBC Prototype projects and filming for Dare to be Digital promotions.

Also taking advantage of the White Space no walls philosophy is Sean Brown from Biosciences. He believed the open plan floor was the ideal venue for guiding his students through genome research. The choice of teaching zones within White Space are perfect for both large and, in this case, small group teaching. By projecting on to one of the presentation curves, Sean discussed the lecture with his students, undisturbed by the many activities underway all around.

White Space is unique as it offers an immersive environment where a variety of projects can take place without interupting eachother. If anything, the open area allows colleagues to observe activities and share ideas to enhance the innovative work.

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